Sanja Williams

May 14, 20192 min

Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK | 13-19 May 2019 | What Are Mental Health Problems

Updated: Jun 3, 2019

It is officially a Mental Health Awareness week in the UK. You may see a lot of references on social media, however, your UK work places are very likely to organise something for their employees. Wellbeing is in general a big topic in the UK and most organisation do all sorts of initiatives all year round to ensure their employees feel supported and engaged at all times and when it matters the most. What are mental health problems you may ask? You can find a lot more information on the Mind/Mental Health Charity website HERE.

There are so many initiatives in the UK where many do want to genuinely help. The Royal Family has also set up their own charity called Heads Together which has a wealth of information and support available to encourage people to talk about their feelings, what they are going through and seek help if they need it.

I have compiled a list of useful relevant apps and links you can check out if you need any additional information and support or would like to learn more about it:


MoodGym (for managing depression/anxiety)

Living Life to the full (various online courses)

Headspace app (mindfulness/wellbeing)

Sleepio  - sleep tracker (can be used with fitbit)

SAM app for anxiety management (app store or google play)


Borderline personality disorder (NHS)

Self harm (NHS)

Young minds (self harm)

Self injury support (for women & girls)

Beat eating disorders

National Centre for Eating Disorder

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (NHS)

Body image

Postnatal depression (NHS)

Postnatal anxiety

PANDAS foundation

Parenting and family support (not solely mental health issues)

Young minds (child & adolescent mental health)

Relate (on parenting teenagers)

Bipolar UK

The Bipolar Foundation

Invisible disabilities

Be real campaign (Body confidence)

Gender dysphoria

Changing faces


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (NHS)

Clinical depression (NHS)

Papyrus (Suicide prevention charity)

Campaign Against Living Miserably (specifically for men)

I hope this helps

Best wishes


#mentalhealth #wellbeing #selfcare #support #inspiration #menatlhealthweekuk #uk #england #scotalnd #wales #northernireland #bebodykind #mind #charities #charity #nhs
